========== Mapper API ========== All properties and methods are prefixed with _ to avoid polluting the namespace for your public fields. .. class:: Mapper(obj=None, \**kwargs) .. attribute:: _fields A dict of (name: field) for all fields on this mapper. .. attribute:: _field_names A list of field names on this mapper. .. method:: _reduce() Returns a dict containing all the field values on the currently bound object. .. method:: _clean(data, full=True) Allows whole-object validation. Should update self._errors dict with any new validation errors. The `full` flag indicates if this is an _apply (True) or _patch (False) cycle. .. method:: _patch(data) Update all properties on this mapper supplied from the dict ``data``. Any omitted fields will be skipped entirely. .. method:: _apply(data) Update all properties on this mapper fron the dict ``data``. If a field is marked as `required` it must have either a value provided, or a default specified. All ValidationErrors raised by fields and their filters will be collected in a single ValidationError. You can access this dict via the exception's `error_dict` property.